Rabu, 16 September 2009


ada turney di CnG tanggal 26 nanti. jadi makin excited nih. deck udah bagus blom ya kira2?
kalo ada yang ngerti trus mau ngasih fix silahkan


Monster 20:
|3| Pyramid Turtle
|2| Goblin Zombie
|1| Morphing Jar
|1| Spirit Reaper
|1| Dark Resonator
|3| Zombie Master
|2| Paladin of the Curse Dragon
|2| Jain, LS Paladin
|2| Chaos Sorcerer
|2| Malevolent Mech Goku-en
|1| Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness

Spell 12:
|3| Creature Swap
|3| Book of Life
|1| Lightning Vortex
|1| Brain Control
|2| Shrink
|1| Mystical Space Typhoon
|1| Heavy Storm

Trap 8:
|2| Compulsory Evacuation Device
|2| Divine Wrath
|3| Reckless Greed
|1| Torrential tribute

R/F please

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